Why auctions?
Here are a dozen good reasons to consider an auction with Quinn & Sons to sell your inventory or raise funds for your cause.
1 – Auctioneers’ unique approach results in higher prices than traditional sales methods. An auction can create a sense of excitement, energy and urgency that leaves buyers and sellers happy. Research shows that:
83% think auctions are an interesting and entertaining way to get good deals.
51% think auctions offer a great value.
65% think auctions offer unique items they wouldn’t otherwise purchase.
53% say auctions give them the satisfaction of obtaining a good price.
2 – Auctions expedite sales.
Traditional sales and fund-raising methods can get bogged down by problems with storage and shipping, delaying needed cash flow. Auctions, on the other hand, are decisive. When the show is over, the deed is done.
3 – Auctioneers bring people to your auction.
Auctioneers have established networks and marketing in place and inform them of upcoming sales. When clients also share about these opportunities, word spreads widely.
4 – Auctions are transparent with no monkey business.
The auction process is as public and transparent as a sale of goods can be. Whether it’s a pressure washer or a capital campaign for a new food bank, trust is crucial to success. Auctions deliver.
5 – Auctions remove the need for price negotiations.
The process of give-and-take is usually undesired, demanding and profit-sapping. Auctioneers do the negotiating for you. And quickly.
6 – Auctions objectively determine, “What’s that worth?”
Should you start bidding at $100 or $1,000? Auctioneers have the expertise and data to determine the best price range for your product or service.
7 – Auctions take care of the fine print.
Yeah, we handle that too. Legal matters. Shipping. Payment. We not only sell it, we get it signed, sealed and delivered – literally.
8 – Auctions make selling and fund raising fun.
The rhythmic cadence of an auctioneer turns heads. And even if you aren’t interested in the product, the process is impossible to ignore. In fact, the sheer fascination of an event can convert mere spectators to bidders. In addition to riffing on bids, auctioneers have their own unique intermissions. Inspiring stories, homespun tales, and laugh-out-loud humor can cause audience members to momentarily forget they’re at a business event. We call that (along with a high sales volume) a win.
9 – Auctions defy economic trends.
The public knows auctions can provide an alternative and fair marketplace for items they are seeking. This is perhaps especially true when the economy is challenged by inflation. Will they find a deal at the auction? It’s worth a look.
10. Auctioneers are, well, popular!
Research shows a stunning 97% of the public have a favorable view of auctioneers.
11. Auctions raise funds for serious causes.
Although auctioneers don’t tend to take themselves seriously, they know when a cause matters. Auctioneers have raised millions for causes benefitting children, women, nature conservation, medical research, faith-based charities and more. Auctioneers have the ability to not only generate dollars, but to inspire the crowds that gather. Their delicate balance of energy and empathy elevates worthy causes.
12. Auctions free you from stress over selling inventory so you can do your job.
Say goodbye to pricing, shipping, PR, marketing and legalese. We’ve got this.